Question I know sweets are bad for me, but why do I crave them all the time? Answer Sweet cravings can signal a blood sugar imbalance. Addressing the imbalance can curb your cravings. Consider [...]
Do you meet the criteria for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and can’t find relief? Do you look pregnant thanks to a bloated belly? Are chronic diarrhea or constipation your constant companions? [...]
When the sneezing, sniffling, and runny eyes of springtime kick in, most people grab for the allergy pills, antihistamines, and eye drops. But did you know you can greatly relieve if not banish [...]
Yes, you can live without it, but the gallbladder is actually a vital digestive organ. It stores bile, a chemical necessary for the digestion and absorption of fats. It also helps ensure you [...]
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