Balance Hormones
Feel Good and Look Younger
Maintaining a youthful hormone balance is key to feeling well and enjoying life. Your hormones work like an orchestra. One hormone can’t be out of balance without affecting the others. Hormone imbalances can have many symptoms.
A few symptoms of hormone imbalance for women
- common PMS & perimenopause symptoms (hot flashes, night sweats)
- “axe through your husband’s head” syndrome
- weepiness
- insomnia, fatigue, irritability
- anxiety or depression
- brain fog
- weight gain
- miscarriages, Infertility
- cyclical or migraine headaches
- female problems including PCOS, fibroids and endometriosis, painful or lumpy breasts
- heavy bleeding
- gallbladder problems
- diminished tolerance for exercise
- reduced muscle tone
- dry or aging skin
A few symptoms of hormone imbalance for men
- low energy
- poor sleep
- irritability, lack of patience
- weight gain in the mid-section
- reduced muscle tone
- diminished tolerance for exercise
- reduced productivity
- prostate problems
- lower sex drive
- less than optimal serum testosterone
Imagine a future where
- you sleep well and have plenty of energy
- you manage daily stresses more easily
- you look and feel healthy and refreshed
Through functional medicine, Dr. Tracy McAlvanah offers a refreshing “whole person” approach to resolving hormone imbalance so you can enjoy a healthy, active life.
Wellness Focus:
Brain Fog
The Results Will Be Worth It!
Find out if Dr. McAlvanah’s whole-person approach is right for you.
Schedule a free 15-minute conversation.