Fasting is one of the oldest, tried-and-true ancient healing traditions. Fasting is the voluntary abstinence from food for spiritual or health reasons. Fasting may be done for any period of [...]
Do you always feel tired in the afternoon, wake up groggy, or feel flattened by exercise? You might suffer from a common condition called adrenal fatigue, in which the body can’t respond properly [...]
It seems the times when we most need to support ourselves with healthy habits is when we are most apt to fall off the wagon. It can happen during major life changes or stressors, such as a move, [...]
It’s an addiction to insanity in our culture, one of the most overfed populations in human history — the weight loss diet. Despite plenty of scientific evidence that diets don’t produce lasting [...]
Mary was a mother of two who began a vigorous exercise program of weight lifting and running, one to two hours a day, six days a week. Not only did she fail to lose weight, she actually gained [...]
WHY would, Joanna, a fitness instructor and workout enthusiast, who watches what she eats, have extra weight in her midsection and lower body? Does this sound familiar to you? Are you exercising [...]
Do you suffer from brain fog — that spacey, detached feeling like your head is in a fish bowl? Do you suffer from depression? Are you concerned about Alzheimer’s? These conditions are [...]
Once your initial program is complete, we will re-evaluate your case and determine your best steps moving forward. If it is a fit, we may offer you our VIP maintenance program so that you can [...]
We work with our clients within programs of care. We do not offer single appointments or a-la-carte appointments since that would go against the paradigm of functional medicine. If we are going [...]