What approach is used?


McAlvanah Wellness offers the following services to support client wellness:

  • Laboratory-based assessments
  • Nutritional supplement programs
  • Diet and lifestyle counseling, including weight loss and hormone balancing programs

Dr. McAlvana’s wellness philosophy involves balancing the three body systems. Your hormonal system produces your sex and stress hormones; your digestive system breaks down food for use by the body; and your detoxification system protects you from free radicals and chemical toxicity, both from your environment and from your diet. Every health issue can be traced back to a problem within one or more of your three body systems.

Through targeted lab testing that you can do in the privacy of your own home for each of these systems, Dr. McAlvanah is able to assess how each system is working and design an individualized program to rebalance your body.

Experience shows that with an individualized diet plan, a scientifically based supplement program, stress reduction and exercise, a person’s health can improve dramatically – not only physically, but emotionally. With an ongoing wellness plan many health problems can be avoided, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and female hormone imbalances.

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