
Brain Fog

Stop losing track of what you were doing

What can brain fog look like?

  • forgetfulness
  • reduced mental clarity or not feeling as “sharp” as you used to
  • reduced ability to problem-solve or think creatively
  • reduced productivity
  • lack of motivation
  • sleepy in the afternoon
  • difficulty focusing on task at hand
  • “what did I come into this room for?” syndrome

Possible causes

  • toxicity
  • blood sugar imbalance
  • chronic yeast infections in the gut
  • food intolerances
  • chronic inflammation

Imagine a future where

  • you breeze through the afternoon with plenty of focus and energy
  • your improved focus makes you more productive
  • you feel clear and alert
  • you always remember where you left your keys

Dr. Tracy McAlvanah uses a functional medicine approach to determine the root causes of issues like brain fog and treat the “whole person” so you can get back to enjoying your life.

Is there a physical cause for your brain fog?

Take a quick quiz to find out

20 questions you can answer in under a minute to reveal a potential physical cause for anxiety and mood swings.

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Brain Fog

Stay Focused
Discover why it's been so easy to get distracted.
Have Energy to Spare
Small lifestyle changes can yield surprising results.
Keep up with your kids.
Change the habits that slow you down.
Step into your future.
Discover what's physically in your way.

The Results Will Be Worth It!

Find out if Dr. McAlvanah’s whole-person approach is right for you.
Schedule a free 15-minute conversation.

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